
Induced the Russian series: in Kiev, teenagers threaten up to 10 years in prison for robbery (photo)

According to the head of the Podilsky Police Department Yuri Trembitsky, the persons involved involved in their "illegal activity" of girls who had to get acquainted on the Internet with boys and invite them for a date. In Kiev, law enforcement officers exposed a group of teenagers who were preparing to commit a series of crimes in the city, following the example of the Russian series. This was reported by the Metropolitan Police.

According to the press service, the boys organized and attacked a 16-year-old boy. "Two those involved, including a minor, have been suspected of robbery with violence," the message reads. Law enforcement officers add that they are threatened with up to ten years in prison. In addition, the press service noted that at the beginning of December 2023, a local resident was reported to the police of Kiev with a report that the unknown people had beaten and robbed him of his 16-year-old son.

"Operatives, juvenile police, investigators and analysts of criminal analysis were involved in the disclosure of this crime," law enforcement officers said. According to the head of the Podilsky Police Department Yuri Trembitsky, during the search measures, the operatives established the persons involved in the crime and delivered them to the police department. "We learned that a group of boys, among whom mostly minors, planned to commit crimes in the capital," Trembitsky says.

According to him, the persons involved in their "illegal activity" of girls who had to get acquainted on the Internet with the boys and invite them for a date. As the head of the Podilsky Police Department emphasizes, the owners of expensive gadgets were preferred. "In the future, the company planned to plunder those who came to the meeting. So this time, the young men beat the boy when he went on a date and took away a cell phone. - adds Trembitsky.

Subsequently, the persons admitted that they were induced by the Russian series about the criminal life of adolescents, "whom they wanted to imitate. " The kidnapped mobile phone was searched and seized as physical evidence. Investigators reported the suspicion to two defendants, 2006 and 2007. It is about Part 4 of Art. 186 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - a robbery combined with violence committed by prior conspiracy by a group of persons and during martial law.

According to information in the police communication department, the sanction of the relevant article provides from seven to ten years in prison. Earlier, Focus wrote that the Russian series "The Word of the Pat. Blood on the Asphalt", which tells about bandit groups in Kazan in the late 1980s, continues to gain popularity among Ukrainian youth.