
From UAV to rockets: As South Korea and Turkey conquer the arms market (photo)

South Korea set an ambitious goal - to become 4 world weapons exporter. Over the past 5 years, they have increased sales more than twice. Turkey also has its own developments - the 5 generation fighter, the Alas ship of Anadolu and others. South Korea and Turkey, even before the start of a full -scale war, Ukraine actively increased the export of weapons and various technologies. After February 24, 2022, the cases went even better. About it reports The Economist.

If the North Korean Armed Forces develops through the war in Ukraine, South Korea is developing even better. In 5 years by 2022, Seoul rose to 9th place in the world ranking of SIPRI among weapons exporters. The government seeks to make South Korea 4 a seller of weapons in the world by 2027. Already in 2022, South Korea sold weapons for $ 17 billion - more than twice as much as in 2011. At the same time, about $ 14. 5 billion was earned by contracts from Poland.

The Polish army purchases south Korean tanks, artillery, RSSV and dozens of aircraft. The International Institute for Strategic Studies believe that Seul's success is related to competitive prices, high quality weapons and production speed. Asian countries also like to work with South Korea, because it is like the US and their technologies, but more reliable. If South Korea is an indisputable leader in export increase, Turkey is right behind it.

Its export has increased by 69% in the last 5 years, and the share in the world market has doubled. The target for 2023 is exported by $ 6 billion. Ankara is betting on warships, drones and fighters. Bayrakt TB2 has become a bestseller in the world. Behind him is Akinci. On July 18, Turkey signed a contract for 3 billion with Saudi Arabia for the purchase of AKINCI. In total, more than 20 countries are in line for Turkish UAVs.

However, Turkish ambitions go even further: Anadolu's landing ship may sell to some Gulf countries. Also, the Kaan 5 generation fighter can export. Access to a high-tech aircraft can be obtained by countries that will not sell their F-35. South Korea and Turkey wins from a decrease in the fate of the Russian Federation. Russia has sold weapons 31% less if compared to 2022 from 2018. Sanctions and the need to replenish its own losses in the war will make the Russian Federation even less weapons.