
Finish the war this fall: Zelensky addressed the Allies on "Ramstayna" (video)

According to the Ukrainian President, Kiev was forced to start surgery in the Kursk region to avoid the expansion of the front. Allies of Ukraine can make the pressure on the Kremlin continue and it also begins to look for ways to peace. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky is in Germany, where for the first time he personally participates in a meeting of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine in Ramstein format. In the beginning, he told what he was expecting from the event important for Kiev.

First of all, the head of state thanked all partners for continuing to support Ukraine, which has encountered a full -scale Russian aggression and continues to fight the battlefield. He also broke the topic of the Armed Forces operation in the Kursk region. "Today is exactly a month from the beginning of our operation in the Kursk region of Russia. It is the border from which Putin was preparing to expand the war in the Ukrainian territory.

He was preparing to start an attack on the city of Sumy, but we turned the game and displaced the war into the territory 1300 square kilometers in the Kursk region, " - said Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The President also spoke about the loss of Russians in this area of ​​the front. During the month the enemy remained at least 6,000 soldiers in the Kursk region. Now the city is not threatened by the occupation, says Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, continues to give orders to his fighters to continue the offensive in the Donbass, while his border region is partially under Ukrainian control. As a result, the Ukrainian Head of State called for everything to live according to the rules and be guided by laws, not so -called "red lines" of the Kremlin. Then all states will be safe. "We want to end this war. We want peace, we want to keep our people and our country. This is Putin does not want peace.

He wants our cities or ruins that remain from them. You know we are working with the minimum amount of weapons. We are grateful For every package of assistance, but we need more weapons to displace Russian troops from our territories, "Volodymyr Zelenskyy continued. Another topic that the President has broken is the long -range weapons and permission to strikes in the Russian territory.

Western partners' policies do not change in this matter, but the removal of restrictions can significantly change the course of war. It would be a motivation for Russia so that the Kremlin also begins to look for the way to peace. "Let's make this autumn become a time when Russian aggression will end in such a way that will restore the international order," Volodymyr Zelenskyy summed up.