
Seven grain balkers have successfully left Odessa ports with a new hallway - the Navy of the Armed Forces (video)

There were no security guarantees in ships that passed the new grain corridor, but it did not prevent the sailors from successfully reaching safe waters, although Russian aircraft and missile attacks by the Russians still pose a threat to Ukrainian cargo. Seven Ukrainian grain vessels successfully came out with a temporary humanitarian corridor from the Black Sea ports. This was reported on the Ukraine Media Center Odesa briefing by the spokesman for the Navy of the Armed Forces Dmitry Pletenchuk.

He said that two balconies have recently come to Odessa ports, and five have been there since the beginning of full -scale aggression of the Russian Federation. Pletenchuk emphasized that, despite the massive shelling of ports and port infrastructure of southern Ukraine, in no way affects the process of export of grain from the country, although the removal of Ukraine from the global grain market as a significant competitor was and remains one of the goals of breakdown of the grain.

"This is part of an economic rather than a military strategy, because Russia is also a large grain supplier and, accordingly, sees a great competitor in Ukraine, which is part of agricultural producers in the world. This is, first. Second, it is a banal blackmail, banal Terrorism and an attempt to use the famine as a tool of world geopolitics, ”the Navy spokesman said.

Pletenchuk emphasized that Russian invaders no longer have their ship groups to the Black Sea, but keep their fleet near the Novorossiysk base. "They keep them away, somewhere outside the Crimean, closer to their Novorossiysk base. So rockets," Shahda ", aviation continue to work. This is the direction we still need to block. And, of course, hope for new weapons specimens as F-16, for example, "-added the speaker.

The route of ships ran through the territorial waters of Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey further into the Gulf of Bosphorus. "This is the territorial sea of ​​NATO. In the summer of this year, Russia ceased to participate in a grain agreement. However, the management of Ukraine assured that vessels with their own grain will still go where it is necessary.

On August 10, the Navy of Ukraine reported the opening of a temporary humanitarian corridor for civilian vessels that go to the ports of Ukraine or from them. And on August 12, the registration of balkers and their owners began. The first vessel after temporary suspension came from the Odessa port on August 16, the second - on August 26, and on September 1, two more blocked balloons left the port from the port "Southern" in Odesa region.

We will remind, Focus wrote that on September 15, a blocked Puma (Cayman Islands), which was loaded not only by rapeseed but also by metal, came out of the Odessa seaport. On the same day, the first civilian vessels used the temporary corridor towards Ukrainian ports. Among them was the Resilient Africa Balker, reported a focus that went to the port of Chernomorsk and came out from September 19 in the direction of Bosphorus. On September 22, the second grain vessel came out of the same port.