
The Russian Federation is not the main threat: what is most afraid of the event - research

According to the report of the Munich Conference on Security, the perception of world threats in the world has changed compared to 2022. Only two allies of Ukraine still consider Russia a major threat. On Monday, February 12, the Munich Security Conference (MSC) presented its annual report on the situation in the world. Deutsche Welle writes about it.

The report states that Western countries are experiencing increasing pressure outside and inside, and Donald Trump's victory is possible in the US presidential election can be a new test for the event. According to the authors of the document, many countries are less reflected in the positive aspects of globalization, and are increasingly worried because they allegedly received insufficient "cake".

It is also reported that the perception of world threats for 2023, based on population surveys in different countries of the world, has changed compared to 2022. Residents of a number of Western countries no longer perceive Russia as a major threat. "Almost all indicators related to Russia's war against Ukraine have fallen, including (threatening) the use of nuclear weapons by aggressor and interruptions in the supply of energy," the authors state.

Yes, the survey conducted in Germany shows that Russia is only in the seventh place in the ranking of threats. A year earlier, the Russian Federation headed this list. Now in the first three fears include "mass migration as a result of wars and climate change", "Radical Islamic Terrorism" and "Cyberatics". A similar picture is observed in France. In Italy, the Russian Federation is in twelfth place, and in the USA - in the fourth.

According to the survey results, Americans are more afraid of threats from China than from Russia. They are leading in the American Cyberattack ranking and the polarization of society. The main threat in 2023 was found only in the United Kingdom and Japan. We will remind, on January 14 the German media reported with reference to the secret documents of the Bundeswehr that Germany is preparing for a possible armed conflict with the Russian Federation, which can start in the near future.