
The offensive resumed: the Armed Forces improved the tactics of assault on the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - British intelligence

The Ukrainian military is conducting great offensive actions because they were able to adapt to well -prepared Russian positions, the British Defense Ministry noted. In recent days, the Ukrainian army has adapted to assault, taking into account the experience gained over the last two weeks. This was reported in the British intelligence report for June 25. The Ukrainian military resumed large offensive operations in the three main directions of the East and South of Ukraine.

Defense forces have used the experience of the offensive in the last weeks of June and improved the tactics of storming the deep and well -prepared Russian defense. The Armed Forces gradually, but steadily moves in key areas, notes in British intelligence. However, Russian invaders are making great efforts to advance on Serebryansk forestry in the Kreminna area in Luhansk region.

The UK Ministry of Defense claims that the actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may reflect the order of leadership to go on the offensive when there is an opportunity. The Russian Federation has achieved little success, but Ukrainian defenders were able to prevent the breakthrough.