
800 orphans with guardians were left for Turkey this year as part of a childhood without war.

In the summer and autumn of this year, 800 children, together with the guardians, had the opportunity to leave on the Mediterranean coast. These children take care of the Ruslan Shostak Charitable Foundation, and the Fund's project is called "childhood without war". During the summer-autumn of 2023, the Project of the Ruslan Shostak Charitable Foundation enabled almost 800 children and their guardians in Turkey.

All of them from different parts of Ukraine, including the front and de -industrial regions. Some of these children have experienced difficult trials, living in occupation, inhumane conditions, among the ruins and under fire. This is stated in the article "How orphaned Children Evacuused from Ukraine live in Turkey. " Journalists explored the stories of children who take care of Ruslan Shostak's Charitable Foundation and published several striking stories.

Heroes of one of the stories - Galina and Alexander Shchorebeta. They raise 13 children (4 relatives and 9 under care) in DBST. Six children arrived in Turkey with their mother. The family lived in the village of Oleshki, Kherson region, the occupation was 11 months. Dad and older children and then helped people: they got food, bought bread and transported people to homes under fire. Two boys (6 and 7 years old), the family took temporary care during the war.

In Oleshki, shelling happened almost daily or even several times a day. The children learned how to distinguish the sound from which they shoot. The family dared to leave only when the projectile hit their house, turning it into a fire. It was raining that day, the children ran out of the house at the last moment, who was. The bag with documents managed to grasp, and friends and even strangers helped money on the road, clothing and food.

The road to the controlled part of Ukraine was long, over 5 thousand km. Ms. Galina's husband and older children have left to work in Ukraine and help people. Antalya, after occupation, seemed a family of scrapers with a miracle and paradise. The children were on the sea earlier, but for the first time they went abroad, here in a peaceful country, they were struck by silence . . . Finally, " - children say to Antalya.

In another history, a participant in the charity project "Childhood without War", Tamara Szaslya's mother, said that in early summer she came for a rehabilitation in Turkey with three foster children from the town of Nova Alexandrovka of Kherson region. When a full -scale war began, Mrs. Tamara Oleg's foster son was studying at the Kherson Lyceum. On the morning of February 24, the woman was called from the school and asked to take the boy home.

But the woman could not do this, because public transport was no longer traveling, and there is no car in the family. It was hopeless to ask someone, because at the time of overall panic and chaos, everyone thought about their family. But in Kherson lived the eldest son of Mrs. Tamara, and he took Olezhik from Lyceum to his home, who was located near the Antonivsky Bridge. To get there, the boys had to go all day under fire, and then live in constant danger for a long 11 months.

Another story is a tragic story about a 14-year-old Sofia, who lived with her family in the village of Mala Kakhovka, Kherson region. This territory is now occupied, and all the time the child was constantly in fear, hiding in the basement from the occupiers who intimidated the population, carried out violent actions against the local ones. On June 6, 2022, the Sofia, along with his grandmother, managed to leave the house.

Before getting to the controlled part of Ukraine, they had to overcome a very long way through the territory of Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland. But Dad and Mom Sophia could not leave. It is known that the dad of the child was tortured by the invaders during the passing of filtration measures, after which the departure of both parents was forbidden. The family is introduced into the electronic database for further referral to "filtration camps".

After the explosion at the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station, connected with Dad and Mom, and now no information about their place of residence. Now the girl with her grandmother under the shelter of "Childhood without war" is in Turkey, and they are gratefully grateful for this opportunity.

According to journalists, children have been in Turkey for a year and eight months, enjoying not only the sun and the sea, but also receiving qualified medical support, Ukrainian education in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, living conditions in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health. "Childhood without War" is the largest, most precious and most resilient of our charity project.

It has already acquired a trait of a universal program that can be implemented anywhere, not only temporarily but also change the lives of children and their future, "-said the founder and philanthropist of the Project" Childhood without War "Ruslan Shostak. According to him, to support children After experiencing and facilitating adaptation to new conditions, psychologists and volunteers from all over the world.

During the existence of a project, more than 300 volunteers from different parts of the world have joined the team without war. in its embodiment. Recall in March last year, within the project "Childhood without War" Ruslan Shostak Charitable Foundation was rescued from the active fighting zone about 2000 orphans. All of them were evacuated to Turkey.