
Two per surgery: pilots of the "Varon 100" unit spectacularly destroyed Russian tanks (video)

Russian armored vehicles were destroyed in eastern Ukraine. The pilots promised to further eliminate the invaders. The pilots of the Voron 100 Unit of the Volyn Brigade of Terroboron have eliminated two Russian tanks. On Facebook, 100 separate brigade of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces reported details. The destruction of heavy armored vehicles occurred in the east of Ukraine. The UAVs were affected by two enemy tanks. The soldiers promised to continue to destroy the occupants.

"While the dirty boot of the last occupier will not be taken away from the holy Ukrainian land forever!" - The post says. Voron 100 is a unit of percussion drones of the Volyn Brigade of Terroboron. Daily warriors destroy the occupants. The number of fighters destroyed by this unit of hostile equipment, as the defenders themselves stated, has long gone for tens. In July 2023, Volyn Terrobronivtsi used 155 mm howitzes FH-70 and destroyed the Russian BMP.

The soldiers from Volyn recorded the occupiers' equipment thanks to drones and destroyed in the BMP-1 forest with the help of 155 mm howitzers FH-70. In May, Volyn Terrobron destroyed the Russian troops with a shot from howitzer FH70. The 155 mm Howitza FH70 was allowed to leave the Russians without a tank, which was carefully hidden in the forest.

The soldiers noted that this is far from the first unit of Russian armored vehicles, which the soldiers from Volhynia managed to liquidate with the West National Police. Ukrainian defenders intend to continue to counteract the occupiers. The soldiers of the Lutsk Battalion of the Volyn Brigade of Terroboron, on September 15, destroyed a Russian truck with an ammunition in eastern Ukraine. The FPV-Drone operator struck the vehicle, which provoked the detonation of the ammunition.