
Fitzo wants to persuade Ukraine to continue Russian gas transit in 2025 - media

The Slovak government expects Kiev to behave wisely. Bratislava, Robert Fitzo stressed, does not interfere with Ukraine when joining the European Union. At the beginning of 2025, there may be problems with oil and gas supplies across Ukraine to Slovakia. And Prime Minister Robert Fitzo is about to persuade Kyiv to continue the transit, writes Aktuality.

The politician noted that he wanted to convince the Ukrainian side of the need to preserve the transit of energy at a joint meeting of the governments of Kyiv and Bratislava on October 7 and believes that negotiations will help to preserve the current scheme. However, he is not sure that this issue will be resolved.

"We will persuade our Ukrainian partners to use our energy infrastructure to import gas and oil into Western Europe," Fitzo said, as an argument to use what Ukraine will need to export their own gas supplies to the west. "If she wants to maintain the infrastructure, she should use it," the Slovak Prime Minister said. In addition, he said, Bratislava supports Ukraine in her accession to the EU and expects that Kiev will behave "normally and reasonably".

According to Fitzo, it is unreasonable not to use the constructed energy transit infrastructure of Slovakia and Ukraine, especially since the transportation will be paid for transportation of energy. We will remind, from January 1, 2025 the oil pipeline "Friendship" is stopped, through which Russian oil was received by Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary.