
Beautiful burns. Russian spacecraft burned in the Earth's atmosphere: somewhat fell down (photo)

Astronauts on board the International Space Station have witnessed a wonderful and at the same time a rare atmospheric "fireworks". On Wednesday, November 29, the Russian cargo spacecraft "Progress MS-23" was separated from the International Space Station (ICS). There was a garbage that had to be destroyed on his board. In particular, as a shipment on the ship there was unnecessary equipment and household waste, as well as everything else, which was decided to get rid of astronauts.

As a space cargo ship burns in the Earth's atmosphere, members of the ISS crew, who took unique photos of a rare atmospheric "fireworks", Space writes. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! 4 hours after the MS-23 progress ship left the ISS, Nasa Mogbeli's astronauts was able to observe the fall of the "truck" into the Earth's atmosphere.

At the same time, she took unique photos of how this ship burns in the atmosphere of our planet. According to Mogbeli, she thought that this process would last much longer, but the ship burned for 2-3 minutes. In this case, the astronaut compared what is happening with the fireworks, especially when "MS-23 progress" collapsed. Most of the freight space ship and its cargo burned high above the surface of the Earth, but some fragments still fell into the Pacific.

In fact, the departure of freight space ships for "fiery death" with the ISS into the Earth's atmosphere is a standard practice. Two types of cargo ships of three, which deliver equipment and supplies to the ISS, that is, Russian "progress" and American Cygnus, usually destroy in this way. This happens after they have fulfilled their mission and need to be released from the ISS for new ships.

But there is another type of freight ships that deals with the delivery of everything you need at the ISS - it is Dragon from SpaceX. But unlike its cargo brothers, this ship can go back to the ground and can be used again for a new mission. On Friday, December 1, a new cargo ship "Progress" will be launched from Baikonur's spaceport in Kazakhstan, which will deliver 3 tons of food, fuel and other supplies for astronauts to the ISS, which are currently aboard the space station.

This ship should do the MCS on Sunday, December 3. Focus has already wrote that in a little more than 7 years, the ISS should cease to exist. At the same time, NASA plans to destroy the space station without the help of Russian ships, which still play an important role in the ISS. But the cost of this project is simply impressive. Focus also wrote that the Chinese rover found unclear geometric shapes on Mars, which were hidden below the planet's surface.