
In Russia, a half dozen cars came down from the rails: Details of NP (photo)

As a result of the accident, the dimension of the neighboring track was violated, but there are no victims. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened criminal proceedings on the emergence of freight wagons from the rails. On the Russian railway, 14 wagons came out of the rails after the frontal collision with the train, which was traveling in the opposite direction. This was reported in the East Siberian Transport Prosecutor's Office.

The incident happened on January 8 at about 7pm at the Aleur - Bushulets of the Transbaikal Railway. Initially, the Russian railway reported that 27 freight cars had come out of the rail, however, 14 cars were soon stated. It was noted that the accident violated the dimension of the neighboring track, but there were no victims of the incident. There were also four trains at Chernyshevsk station: "Read-Blagoveshchensk", "Moscow-Vladivostok", "Vladivostok-Moscow", "10 Moscow-Vladivostok".

Due to a large delay, some passengers organized an additional train to Chita from where two flights are organized for them. Currently, the relevant services eliminate the effects of climbing and restoration of traffic on this area. The causes of the incident are also established. Russian media reports that the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened criminal proceedings on the emergence of freight wagons from the rails.

Investigations are conducted under an article on violation of the rules of traffic safety and operation of railway transport. We will remind, in Russia on one of the trails leading to Moscow, there was a large -scale accident. About 50 cars collided on the road, and the traffic jam reached at least 30 kilometers. It was reported that poorly cleared roads were the probable cause of the incident. The accident is dead and injured. Also in the Moscow region in Russia introduced a local emergency regime.