
The shelling of Ukraine on February 15: Oblenergo objects were damaged in Lviv - the Ministry of Energy

According to the profile ministry, the shelling had no critical impact on the operation of energy objects, but in Lviv they were recorded in the infrastructure. On Thursday, February 15, a transformer substation was damaged in Lviv as a result of a Russian rocket strike in Lviv. The infrastructure object remained without power supply. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine on Telegram.

"Morning massive hostile shelling has not led to a critical impact on energy objects. However, several objects of the distribution system operator, including the transformer substation, have been significantly damaged in Lviv. However, the department emphasized that the situation was controlled. In addition, energy reported that on Wednesday, February 14, the mine was disconnected in the Donetsk region.

"As a result of the shelling, a fire at the enterprise of the coal mining complex in Donetsk region. The air transmission lines were switched off, which resulted in the disconnected consumers and a mine, which was located 50 workers (all brought to the surface)," - said in the energy department. Within two hours the ignition was liquidated, all consumers healed. We will remind, as a result of the Russian morning attack on February 15 in Lviv three people were injured.