
Strikes in the Belgorod region could make the Russian Federation weaken air defense in the Crimea - isw

According to analysts, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may have also had to change transport routes and places of placement of military facilities after the United States allowed to strike limited blows with their weapons in Russia. Strokes on Russian military and logistics facilities in the Belgorod region may have forced the Russian forces to change transport routes and places of placement of military facilities. About it writes "Institute of War Study" in the summary of June 10.

The Atesh guerrilla movement reported on June 10 that Russian troops had recently transported air defense systems from the occupied Crimea to the Belgorod region - as a result, now the Russian air defense is not fully defending Crimea. The footage, published on June 8, shows that the transportation of fuel through the Kerch Strait by the railway bridge began.

The pressecretic of the operational command "South" of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the third rank Dmitry Pletenchuk stated on April 29 that due to the threat of Ukrainian blows, the Russian leadership has not transported fuel to the railway of the Crimean bridge since March 2024. Fuel transport can lead to fire and, potentially, destroy the bridge.

On June 10, the Ukrainian Military Military Edition reported that Ukrainian strikes on the railway barges through the Kerch Strait on May 30 forced the Russian authorities to again ship fuel through the railway bridge. Currently, it is difficult to say whether the Russian Federation will continue to use the railway connection of the Crimean bridge as a military crossing for the delivery of fuel and other supply to the occupied Crimea in the near- and medium term.

This will probably eliminate some logistics difficulties, as the Russian Federation tries to compensate for the loss of ferries through the strait. But at the same time, the Crimean bridge will be more vulnerable to Ukrainian blows, especially if the number of air defense systems in the Crimea decreases, said in "Atesh". Recall that, according to The Washington Post, Washington lifted a ban on the supply of weapons of the Azov brigade.