
The end of the New Year's war: why Brazil and India rushed to reconcile Ukraine and Russia

In recent weeks, the world has suddenly begun to worry about peace in Ukraine, writes journalist Orest Sohar. But all this "peace marathon", in his opinion, is rather about the process rather than the result: the key beneficiaries of the end of the war in our country have not agreed. In the Russian war against Ukraine, it seems already deadline, but there are no borders . . . In recent weeks, the world has suddenly begun to worry about peace in Ukraine.

But it is rather about the process rather than the result: the key beneficiaries of the end of the war in our country have not agreed. The most active "struggle for peace" was staged by China, drawing into it most of the countries of the global south. China's leader Xi Jinping called for "creating favorable conditions for political settlement of war in Ukraine.

" Before that, China voiced his shortened - a version of a peace plan of 6 points, which was immediately supported by Brazil, then South Africa and, in fact, India. New Delhi specialist at this moment extinguishes Brix countries, where the water in the stupa, they say, the world needs peace. Further, the political "stupa" flies to the Kremlin, where he will be worried about world security problems together with Putin, discussing a hundred times discussed.

Not only the global south, but also Western democracy - "in the peacekeeping trend". "Now is the moment to discuss how to get out of the war and come to peace in Ukraine," said Chancellor Scholtz, adding: "Russia must participate in the next peace summit. " One can say one thing: such a hurry is that the world tries to complete this difficult war for all. You can even call the desired deadline - by the end of this year. Diplomats spoke about it, even after consultation with the West, ". . .

we can complete the hot phase of the war, we can try to do so by the end of this year . . . We want to do it. " Obviously, this date is formulated at non -public meetings and has now become a time marker. But talking about peace does not yet testify to the intention to negotiate. The US Presidential Advisor Jake Sullivan visited China, where he spoke with the China's leader, Xi Jinping, including Ukraine. But they did not find the points of touch.

The key question is the fate of the borders and the future of Putin. Beijing is interested in maintaining the current status of the Kremlin dictator. Therefore, SI promotes a very general formula of peace, the basis of which is the cessation of hostilities (freezing the war on the front line, as the Russian Federation seeks), and also opposes the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces in Kur Region.

China formally supports Ukraine's territorial integrity, but it is very difficult to believe in the sincerity of its words. The United States is guaranteed to support the integrity of our country, but on other issues they have differences with the PRC. It is difficult to say something about Europe. On the one hand, Germany, for example, supports the Ukrainian formula for the cessation of war.

On the other hand, Western media write that German Chancellor is preparing an agreement according to which the Russian Federation "Peacework" will be able to preserve all the captured territories. Only there is a problem: this is a hurried "peaceful marathon" is very similar to the confrontation of the wet with the cold, where the competitions occur in completely different planes and according to different laws of physics.