
The assault lasted for several days: 8 Armed Forces fighters took an elevator in New York and captured 16 Russians

The Russian command promised the invaders on the elevator that would be assisted and pull them out, so they were taking time. The invaders were afraid to be captured because they would "pour foam. " In Donetsk in the village of New York, the fighters of 425 SSHB "Skala" of the Armed Forces were stormed the building of the elevator and captured by the Russians, who were twice as many. They told the details of the assault to Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov.

Yes, the fighters of a separate assault battalion "Skala" were tasked with cleaning the territory so that the enemy could not move further. "The elevator was the object of the attack, and there was the enemy. The Armed Forces tried to storm the elevator twice. "When we were intelligence, we saw that 4 opponents came there. There was the first attempt to clean the elevator.

The assault group went, they went into the elevator, the battle began, we saw that we could not advance, gave the order the group to roll away," Aquarius said " - commander of the assault group. He added that after the assault, he asked all the fighters who participated in him, with regard to the number of enemy, everyone said that about 5 "trunks" worked on them. The decision was made to cut off the occupiers on the elevator from the supply and from the possibility of nominating reserves.

The Armed Forces fighters took the building under fire control and began to attack 2 wave of storming with the use of Bradley, UAV, but the enemy was already waiting because he also received data from his aircraft intelligence. The Russians were ordered to overcome the intersection. "It was necessary to cross the intersection, but there was a basis, a machine gun turn, there was a fortified area and sat a machine gunner and did not let go.

For one group it ended deplorable, for another - less deplorable," - said the captive occupier from 9 OMSBR Armed Forces, commander, commander Lieutenant Vladislav Akimov platoon. After that, the invaders stopped trying to overcome the intersection and settled on the elevator. They spent a week and collect information for 3 days. The Armed Forces for the assault "called a dance and sent a couple of gifts to the enemy.

" When the last shot from the tank came, Ukrainian storms entered the elevator and occupied defense on the 1st floor. There were 12 of them, but 4 fighters remained fixed to another position, so the elevator with the occupiers stormed 8 Ukrainian defenders. "There was a stretch, but we neutralized it. The enemy hid upwards," the Armed Forces Son. The first corruption of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation reflected as they say "relatively confident.

" The second - could not be repelled "due to strong fire influence" - worked Bradley, the tank and drones "Baba Yaga". The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were from 4 to 9 floors of the 16-storey building. The invaders say that the Ukrainian group occupied the elevator hall, and they were clamped on the stairs, which is why they did not have a way out, except for being captured.

The Russian command promised the invaders on the elevator that would be assisted and pull them out, so they were taking time. They have heard such promises for more than one and a half days. "On the third day one crawled, his leg was tiligaized, I put the boards. Then another crawled - they wanted to drink and eat. The second was also wrapped. The third crawled - he had wreckage on the whole back and his foot. He was crying, saying" I have a family, "said" Do not kill.

" The captives themselves admit that they were afraid to give up the Armed Forces, because lies in the Russian Federation about torture and torture. "It was hard to believe and surrender because we had other stories. It was told that they were crippled and foam. It turned out that the world just turned over. They gave a drink and smoke. Next ours began to wear this building. We heard that" ours were "ours There is no longer ".

The occupiers made the phrase "black", who said: "Guys, we will be afraid for 15 minutes, and then we will come out and this building will fall with you. " Black "brought out one of the occupiers, fed, gave, gave the situation, told the situation. He said, if he wants, let him return to his own, but they still died. One or two were reflected.