
"Two Things": The Armed Forces officer told what means to change the situation at the front (video)

According to the officer and military expert Petro Chernyk, Ukraine requires thousands of long -range ballistic missiles and a large amount of aviation. Ukraine needs different modern systems, not only Sentinel radars. The situation at the front will help to change the long -range ballistic missiles and a large amount of aviation. This opinion was expressed on November 22 by a military analyst, colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Petro Chernik in an interview with focus.

Answering the questions of journalist Maxim Dobrovolsky, what will be useful modern Sentinel radars that the United States can provide Ukraine, on the battlefield, Chernik said that our defense forces need different systems, but you do not need to focus on only one of them. "Any systems that allow you to improve communication, it is better to see their (Armed Forces-Ed. to the system. To think that she will dramatically change something on the battlefield, "the officer said.

According to him, the situation on the battlefield can change only two things: long -term ballistic missiles and aviation. "… The first is a large number of long-range ballistic missiles, including ATCMS, which I have not spoken and wrote only lazy. It is not about tens but hundreds and thousands. And a large amount of aviation with a lot point improvements, " - says Petro Chernik. The Ukrainian Military Command needs radar of the near Sentinel radius.

Technologies should help track ballistic missiles, drones, aviation and other goals. It is important to get radar stations (radar stations (radar) before winter before possible rocket strokes of Russians on civilian facilities and energy infrastructure. New stations will provide more coverage of the territories of Ukraine. This radar has high resistance to electronic warfare and radar missiles and interacts with the architectures of several air defense systems and AB.