
A new C-500 air defense system appeared in the Crimea: the air forces were suspected of Russian Federation in lies (video)

Russian invaders assured that the C-500 complex is ahead of the characteristics of its "predecessors". The Armed Forces told whether they saw a new system in battle. The invaders transferred to the occupied Crimea a new complex of PPO C-500. A spokesman for the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Ilya Yevlash told about whether they saw them in their work. He explained that there is little about the C-500 anti-aircraft complex, because Russian invaders mostly used it "predecessors"-C-300 and C-400.

"According to their information, the C-500 is much higher than the C-400 indicators and can be paired with different complexes. That is, to be combined with the same C-300, C-400. Well, of course, which can reach a greater distance, at higher heights work . However, we have not seen it in combat work, "Yevlash said. However, the military suggested that Russia could have somewhat to get about the capacity of new SCRs.

"We know that the Russian propaganda information machine is already accustomed to overestimation and not only in its victories, but also in tactical and technical characteristics. So we wait and see what they are really capable," he said. We will remind, the head of the GUR Kirill Budanov stated that Russia transferred to the Crimea the experimental installation of the C-500. He called this step "quite obvious and understandable.