
Russians promise a dollar of 250 rubles: what is China here

Moscow is very desirable to put the practice of two rubles in the foreign exchange market, but the bankers themselves are opposed to this idea. The war against Ukraine creates many problems for Russia, but with some of them the aggressor helped to cope with China. For example, in response to aggression, Europe sharply reduced the purchase of Russian energy resources, it was Beijing who agreed to more active trade with Moscow.

Now, in the Russian Federation, they are actively promoting the idea of ​​introducing a currency model of China, with two different versions of its currency: for internal and external use. But, according to the head of VTB Andriy Kostin, during the International Banking Forum in Sochi, the appearance of two exchange rates provokes a sharp collapse of the Russian currency. "I think we have an unusual market situation.

If we introduce two courses of rubles, then one will be 250 and the other 150 is for sure. We have too many geopolitical factors that influence that we can introduce some set yet, Perhaps measures of stabilization or mitigation of criteria or targets of inflation, "he said. According to the banker, the best option for the currency market of the Russian Federation is not to violate the measures that the Central Bank introduced, and "gradually return to the lower rates, to a more stable situation.

" At the same time, the head of Sberbank Herman Gref believes that the creation of a "membrane" for the ruble in the foreign exchange markets will adversely affect the economic development of Russia. A similar practice, as he explained, already existed in the Soviet period. "It was already in the Soviet Union, which means that there is no convertibility. Any absence of convertibility is a huge damage to the economy," Gref explained.

We will remind, in 2023 the Russian ruble sharply depreciated - by 26%. Against the background of these problems, the Minister of Economic Development of Russia Maxim Reshetnikov, as reported on September 27 by Newsweek, proposed to take on the experience of China, which uses different versions of his currency - Yuan. "We are discussing this with the Central Bank.