
Baltic countries will not save the defense line: how will Russia act if it wants to attack (video)

Fortification structures and defense lines should increase the price for the enemy to capture the territory. In the event of an attack of the Russian Federation will use a landing, so Baltic countries should strengthen their air -to -air troops, says military observer Igal Levin. Any available line of defense and any fortification structures will be destroyed in one way or another.

Therefore, the fortifications that are currently active in the Baltic countries will not be able to 100% save them from the attack of Russia. Igal Levin, the editor of the military focus and the Israeli military observer told this in an interview. The defense line will always be broken down and this axiom is taught by junior tannel officers, says Levin.

But such fortifications are very needed to slow down the advance of the enemy and that the invaders will suffer the greatest losses by trying to obstruct to pass. "The Baltic countries are well aware that the enemy will be able to advance in the deepest area, but the task is that the Russians in the attack will lose not 1000 fighters, but ten times more," says Levin.

- It is not an impregnable wall, but about high cost for occupiers of seizure of territories and time to prepare their resources for resistance. " The main problem, according to Levin, is that in the event of an attack on the Baltic countries, Russia will use an airmobile landing, as it did in Kiev at one time. Given the small territory of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia will not be so difficult.

"Turning the landing area does not take long to make the main breakthrough forces with paratroopers capturing half of the country," notes the military observer. "In general, the use of the large number of landing is a kind of handwriting of the USSR's military logic, which is now used by Russia. " Of course, Levin notes, in addition to the defense lines, the Baltic States should strengthen air troops and train mobile groups from MSRCs that can knock down planes or helicopters with Russian landing.