
Biden did not unite the world against Putin: the fate of Ukraine can be decided by Macron - expert

Professor of political science Alexander Motyl believes that now the event lacks strong personalities who could mobilize their countries and resist the threat. US President Joe Biden was unable to unite the event to fight the Kremlin's head Vladimir Putin. Now the fate of Ukraine may be in the hands of French President Emmanuel Macron. Alexander Motyl, a column for The Hill, wrote about it.

According to him, NATO countries are talking about a great threat from Russia, but they are not sufficient to support Ukraine in the war. Therefore, the Alliance does not really see the real danger from the Kremlin. Therefore, according to Motyl, the more sincere positions of Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the Prime Minister of Slovak Robert Fitzo. The same applies to former US President Donald Trump.

The professor believes that Putin Russia poses a deadly threat not only to Ukraine, but for all of Europe, as well as the United States. However, another opinion, writes Motyl, not only in Orban, Trump and Fitzo, but also in other European and American politicians. "The Baltic countries clearly see a threat - their geographical proximity to Russia testifies.

He also stated that even Poland did not understand that the border overlap for Ukrainian trucks is not a way to demonstrate an understanding of the threat from the Russian Federation. As for the United States, the vast majority of politicians say that Ukraine supports Ukraine. However, Washington was unable to subordinate election policy against the background of the defeat of Ukraine will continue to the Russian expansion and the Third World War "US - the greatest hypocrisy," Motyl wrote.

According to him, the event is now lacking strong personalities who could mobilize their countries and resist the threat. "The irony is that Putin is a serial failure, a strategic delay that can easily outwit a Western leader," Motyl said. He praised President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, as he was able to unite Ukrainians and start confrontation with the Russian Federation.

We will remind, the director of the Institute of World Policy Yevgeny Magda told Focus that there is no complete guarantee of US assistance, so Ukraine needs to work with Republicans. According to him, it should be borne in mind that all US parliamentarians are majority and they will actively work on the logic of Trump's election campaign. Republicans can criticize Biden for supporting the Landliz law, but he did not fully work.