
China has accused the US of supplying Russian components for weapons used in Ukraine - media

In China, they reacted to the words of the President of Ukraine Vladislav Vlasyuk that the lion's share of Western components for Russian weapons is shipped with a PRC. The Chinese diplomat Liu Penyui called the trade between China and Russia open, honest and that compliance with the WTO rules and market principles. China has accused the United States of supplying Russia's components of weapons.

A representative of the China Embassy in an interview with journalists stated that most of the components of foreign production are shipped from the United States or from other Western countries. Newsweek writes about it. Such statements were made, apparently, in response to the accusation of Kiev that more than half of foreign components in Russian weapons - from China. Liu Priest, the Chinese Embassy Prescribe in Washington, called it a lie.

"China does not supply weapons to either parties to the conflict and strictly controls dual -use goods that recognizes the international community," the China's diplomat explained. He called the trade between China and Russia open, honest and in accordance with the WTO rules and market principles that are not directed against the third party. "I noticed data indicating that more than 60% of dual -use weapons and goods imported from Western countries, such as the United States.

President Zelensky himself also mentioned it in his remarks," he said. Despite the strong connections between Russia and China, Beijing repeatedly denied the supply of weapons to any party and stated that it was not involved in the Ukrainian conflict. On the eve of September 24, the adviser to the President of Ukraine Vladislav Vlasyuk stated that about 60 percent of foreign components that find themselves in Russian weapons - were delivered from China.

"We had a long discussion with some manufacturers about this. I would say that China is the biggest problem," he explained. Vlasyuk also stated that the key components used in surveillance systems, drones and missiles come from the United States, the Netherlands, Japan, Switzerland and other Western countries. Recall that China's representatives named three steps to end the war in Ukraine.