
The Armed Forces need not only drones, but also hundreds of thousands of remedies: the manufacturer told how to make them

Now the Ukrainian manufacturer Kvertus rests on its own forces, the state gives an order, but they are not enough to close all the needs of the army, which fights with a very strong enemy. Ukrainian manufacturers of electronic wrestling requires funding in the form of government order and better information coverage of the problems of radio electronic struggle. Alexei Chernyuk, Deputy Director General of the Ukrainian Company KVERTUS, tells about it on the air of Espresso TV channel.

Even President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has recently spoken in the need for a systematic approach to counteracting Russian drones, intelligence or shock: "From identification to the effective use of HRs and means of defeat". The President says that "everyone in Ukraine who can produce effective radio electronic systems deserves full state assistance at all levels: both on the central one - from the government and in every region where there is such potential.

" Alexey Chernyuk told how the interaction of the state and producers of the IR really is the interaction, and that it would like to improve it. The first thing manufacturers need is a government order. He has been celebrating the shift in this recently. The company already executes the state order for the production of some devices and sees the interest of the state.

According to the entrepreneur, this is not enough, since the need for the military in the means of the HRS is much greater than the state orders them. "But here the ice is definitely squeezed and the state begins to finance producers. " Another area of ​​interaction is the information coverage of the issues of radio electronic struggle. Oleg believes that with such a powerful enemy and so many drones on the front requires non -standard approaches.

"If the War of drones has begun, then it is necessary not only to produce and supply millions of drones into the army, but also to start the production and means of the HR, at least in hundreds of thousands," the manufacturer said. In two years, the full -scale invasion of Kverstus managed to increase production, but on its own, taking into account the needs of the front. In order to scale and close all the needs of Ukraine in the means of the ERB, it is necessary to build it several times.

"This requires a clear systematic approach of the state to the needs of the Regb. It is not now. We have some number of government orders, but it is not such a number to plan the scale for at least a year," - explained Alexei Chernyuk.

Currently, the active increase in production, the involvement of new workers, the purchase of equipment and the adjustment of production to the needs of the front are being carried out by the company's own and through their own vision of the situation, not through government initiatives and orders. One of the most effective global remedies on the front is the "Intercession" system. The network of synchronized transmitters knocks the Iranian drones used by Russia by Russia during attacks.