
In connection with the disappearance: 37 aircraft outside the country are planned to be removed from the Russian airlines

According to journalists, Ireland's governing companies want to prove the illegality of the purchase of sides, so they will be delayed at airports around the world as stolen. Currently, Ireland is considering the possible recognition of stolen some aircraft. In this regard, Russian companies may have 37 aircraft outside the territory of Russia. About it reports the edition of The Moscow Times.

As a result of the spring sanctions of 2023 against the European Branch of the State Transport Leasing Company GTLK Europe and its further liquidation, external management organizations insist on the arrest of aircraft purchased by the company. The source reports that the company's liquidators intend to realize liners to resolve obligations to creditors.

In response, the external managers of the subsidiary insist on recognizing the invalidity of the agreements on the basis of which the vessels were transferred to the property of the leasing company, as well as the abolition of the company's property rights to the aircraft.

If the Supreme Court of Ireland recognizes the plaintiffs' claims on the cancellation of agreements and the rights to the aircraft, it can lead to delayed aircraft at airports around the world due to their potential status of the stolen. We will remind, earlier investigators of the group "Information resistance" reached the internal documentation of one of the Russian aviation companies.