
Putin's nuclear bluff. As the event is caught on primitive blackmail of the Kremlin dictator

The new nuclear trials of Russia are not about Putin's intention to strike in Ukraine, a confident journalist Vadim Denysenko. The Kremlin dictator understands all the dangerous consequences of such a step for his regime and himself in person, so he will refrain from it to the end. The Russians again play the game: "Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons. " The main reason is the pressure on the US so that they do not allow us to beat a long -range weapon deep into Russia.

Unfortunately, they are close to success. As before, I believe that in the medium term, Putin is not going to use nuclear weapons. The main reason - he is a coward and afraid for his life. Nuclear weapons are removing the question of Putin's physical destruction. In addition, in addition to Putin, in addition to Patrushev and Kovalchuk, it seems that there is no one who is ready to support the use of nuclear weapons, and here he will be forced to make a collective decision.

Of course, the subjectivity of some basrykin or kirienko is now very conditional. But in terms of further elite revolution, the use of nuclear weapons can create a desire to show the same subjectivity and accelerate the transit of power. Nuclear weapons increase Putin's internal isolation. And he will turn into a crazy one that is a threat to elite.

Simply put, after the use of nuclear weapons, Putin will have to go to internal terror and have to clean the elites, opening the way for new frames in order to transplant these shots in the short term. This requires tremendous effort. And Putin has recently demonstrated terrible laziness.

I will remind everyone that a full -scale invasion began because Putin believed that a short victorious war would turn it into the third pole of the world and China and the United States will have to take it to a new Yalta conference on the division of the world. With the great fate of probability, we can predict that nuclear weapons will lead to isolation of the Russian Federation.