
18 thousand people: the Russian Federation forms a volunteer corps with mercenaries with Wagner PEC - GUR

According to the deputy chief of Ukrainian intelligence Vadim Skibitsky, the soldiers were sent to Avdiivka for combat missions. They use the same tactics as Wagnerivtsi in Bakhmut-success at any cost. The Russian Federation has formed a volunteer building of 18,000 personnel. Former mercenaries from Wagner PEC are included.

This was stated by the Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense (GUR MOU) Vadim Skibitsky in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine, which was published on February 23. According to him, representatives of the new corps, which has already started work, are now operating in the area of ​​temporarily occupied Avdiivka in Donetsk region. Accordingly, some fighters with Wagner PEC, who also joined it, perform combat missions.

"A volunteer corps of 18,000 people is now being formed in the Russian Federation. In particular, all the former" Wagnerivtsi "is managed by the Ministry of Defense. They are currently operating in the Avdiivka area. Here is a brigade" Veterans " - this is a volunteer corps that uses us Russia. Yes, they are actively used because they have combat experience. That is, they can now be seen on the battlefield, "Vadim Skibitsky said.

Separately, the representative of GUR MOU added that the volunteer corps approach to work is about the same as previously used "Wagnerivtsi" in Bakhmut of Donetsk region. It's about constant assaults to obtain "at any cost" results. As for the salary, it is almost the same as the representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, while PECs earned much more.

But what concerns the involvement of citizens of other countries in the war, including the African continent or Syria inhabitants, they do not want to go to fight, but use this opportunity as one of the few chances to get to Europe. "But no one wants to go to fight. They go here just to escape and get to Europe. Everyone thinks that they go here to fight. But it is not. Believe it. For the first opportunity, they will try to get to Europe," - Vadim Skibitsky summed up.