
Everything under control: how the war in the Middle East will affect prices in Ukraine

The Verkhovna Rada believes that Ukrainians should not expect a strong increase in goods prices due to the war in the Middle East and the rise in price of oil. The Israeli Army continues fighting with Hamas Movement Fighters after 50 years of invasion from the Gaza Sector. The escalation of the conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine distracts the attention of the world community from the war in Ukraine, and this is not very good for us.

The chairman of the Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy of the Verkhovna Rada Danilo Getmantsev stated this in an interview with News. Live. According to him, because of the war in the Middle East, Western partners can reduce support for our country. However, as for the increase in prices, in this regard, Ukrainians should not worry. Getmantsev believes that any situation is managed if you do. "I do not exclude possible increase in oil prices.

This will depend on the development of conflict in the Middle East. But I am not prone to evaluating this possible possible increase in prices as a jump. It seems to me that there will be no jump. And the price situation in Ukraine will be controlled," - He explained. Getmantsev also noted that the world has already encountered the war in the Middle East, so countries know how to cope with a possible oil crisis. "There was also a war in the 1970s, and there was a great rise in oil prices.

But somehow the world survived it. And the prices were returned. And the situation stabilized," said Danylo Getmantsev, the chairman of the Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy of the Verkhovna Rada. January futures for Brent variety as of November 23 fell to $ 80. 98 per barrel, the data of the Ice Futures London Exchange testify. The quotes of January futures on WTI on electronic auctions of the New York commodity exchange amounted to $ 76. 27 per barrel.