
"Understand who is governing this": Danilov predicted a rebellion in Russia (video)

According to the NSDC Secretary, another rebellion is a matter of short period of time and the corresponding processes have already been started. The secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) Alexei Danilov on September 19 on the nationwide TELEXPON "Single News", stated that there will be no second campaign to Moscow, following the example of Yevgeny Prigogin, but in Russia there would be a ruling that will lead to fragmentation of the Russian Federation.

When asked by the journalist, whether another hike (in Moscow - ed. ) On the pretext of no longer Prigogine is possible, and the other Danilov replied: "I think it will not be a hike. Remember how in August 1991 the collapse of the USSR took place. What is raised there and the "grouping of the GCC", as it was in 1991, it already matures there and they are already cushing there, it is a well -known fact. NSDC.

According to Danilov, the question of when another rebellion will occur in Russia - a question of a short period of time and the processes are started. "They are accustomed to a luxurious life in Europe, they are used to another life, and now they are chased like dogs around the world. Countries are now forbidding entry into their territories of cars with Russian numbers and many other processes from which they have little joy Moreover, they will not be able to win our country.

And so the question is when a rebellion in Russia is a short period of time. What time it will be time to look, but the processes there (in Russia - ed. ) Are already launched. " The NSDC Secretary noted that Russian oligarchic groups that lived their own lives after Putin's decision to launch a war against Ukraine should forget about peace.

Answering the question whether international partners are ready to break up, Danilov said: "Many are aware, but some believe that this process can be controlled and things that will not allow Russia to be broken. " He emphasized that no one can influence these processes, so the Russian Federation will be forced to fragment. "We will definitely see it," he summarized. We will remind, on September 16, Danilov told that he will be with the Russians in the occupied Crimea.