
In the Russian Federation, due to the recruitment of prisoners on the front, the prison population decreased and colonies began to close

Most colonies were on the verge of closure in the Krasnodar region - one of the most violent regions of the Russian Federation. In Russia, due to the recruitment of prisoners against Ukraine against Ukraine, the number of prison population sharply decreased, which led to the closure of individual colonies. About it writes "Air Force". It is noted that prisoners have been sent to the front for 2 years - from the summer of 2022.

It was only during the storming of the city of Bakhmut in Donetsk region alone killed more than 17,000 Russian Zecs. The most prisoners of PEC "Wagner" took to war from the Krasnoyarsk VK-6 strict regime-more than 500 people (the limit of filling this colony-1410 seats). Of these, 136 prisoners were killed. In second place with a large break-VK-2 in the village of Dvubrat of the Krasnodar region.

Eugene Prigogin took more than 340 prisoners from the strict regime, which is designed for more than 2000 seats, of which 119 were killed. The same number of convicts were recruited from VK-3 of the Irkutsk region (112 were killed) and VK-5 village of Startsevo in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (102 people were killed). The first Russian prisoner died on July 15, 2022 - in the battles for the TPP. About 17,000 Wagnerians were killed during Bakhmut's storm.

The head of the Wagner PEC Yevgeny Prigogin argued that heavy losses are associated with a shortage of shells. According to journalists, daily losses-200-213 people daily "Wagner" was suffered much earlier in January 2023. Later, Prigogine acknowledged that he had put 20,000 mercenaries in Bakhmut. He argued that only half of them were prisoners.

Journalists received a full list with personal data of 19 547 dead Wagnerians, of whom prisoners were not 50%, as Prigogine argued, but all 88% were 17 175. According to the Air Force, a sharp decrease in the number of prisoners due to losses at the front has led to the closure of some colonies in Russia. The convicts are transferred to other institutions - often less prosperous.

Most colonies were on the verge of closure in the Krasnodar region - one of the most violent regions of the Russian Federation. Due to the lack of prisoners in the Krasnoyarsk region, the VK-7 regime was closed in the Aean, VK-16 General Regime in the village of Public. The total two FSVP institutions are designed for 2 409 prisoners. Close settlements # 10, sections of the colony-settlement at IR-31 and IR-5, as well as a hospital at IR-5 are collected in the land.