
"There is a good reason": in the US told why the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces slowed

Russian invaders have received an advantage in the form of time, according to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. This helped them build a line of defense. Russian invaders had a tremendous amount of time to build a strong line of defense, and therefore it is difficult to move forward. This was stated by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in an interview with Voice of America on September 28.

According to him, even as of now, Ukrainian defenders have achieved real success, despite the fact that the offensive is difficult. If we take the situation compared to the first days of the invasion, the defense forces have released more than 50% of the territories. "Now they are offset in the south and east. It is difficult, and there is a good reason for it - the Russians have had many months to build a defense, but Ukrainians are achieving real success," Anthony Blinken said.

Separately, the US Secretary of State noted that the Ukrainian military, unlike the Russians, is fighting today for their freedom and the country, and this fact "will finally change the balance". As for the diplomatic settlement of the conflict, it is solved exclusively to Ukrainians. Washington holds the position not to decide nothing about Kiev without the participation of Kiev. The future peace should be built on the basic principles that underlie the UN Charter.

It is territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence. "The long peace is in the sense that you need to be sure that if peace is reached, there will be no conditions that would allow this aggression to repeat in a year, for two years,", "Anthony Blinken continued. We will remind, on September 28 it was reported that the Russians fill the concrete lines of defense under Tokmak in the Zaporozhye region. For the enemy, this settlement is very important from logistics.