
Targeted C-400: Polish experts evaluated the capabilities of the A-50 VCS

The statements of the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu that it will be made by AWACS in the Ukrainian conflict is rather the propaganda slogans, said Polish analyst Maximilian Dura. Russian PCS plans to use their aircraft of far from the radar detection of the A-50 to determine the goals of the anti-aircraft missile complex of the Far Dange Action C-400.

According to experts, it is about the guidance of missiles, but in the case of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation it is still impossible. The Polish analyst Maximilian Dura in the material of Defense 24. He said that the Russian analyst Maximilian Dura said that the Russian analyst Maximilian Dura was capable of the Russian propagandists about the use of the A-50 aircraft caused a certain noise.

At the same time, Durah notes, the Russians overestimated the possibilities of their system of long-range radar detection and related C-400 complexes. British intelligence also wrote about the use of the A-50, noting the basic principles of interaction of these aircraft and anti-aircraft land base systems. It has been said that Dralo aircraft can use its radar to detect enemy aircraft at long distances, as the flight height enables him to see targets further around the Earth's curvature.

The fool is convinced that in this thought there is one theoretical mistake: aircraft radars also do not "see" the curvature of the earth, only this curvature is felt much further than in land systems. This is due to the fact that radar waves spread almost straightforward. And for this reason, standard terrestrial and air radars can "see" goals only to the radar horizon.

The position of this horizon depends on the height of the flight of the aircraft, which is detected, as well as on the height at which the antenna of the radar station is raised. Thus, that the air objects fly below, then the range of radiation is reduced and at a height of 100 m is about 40-50 km if the aircraft flies higher, then this range of detection increases. "The problem is that such objects as winged missiles, Kamikadze drones and combat helicopters are usually attacked at low altitudes.

Raders were installed on aircraft to solve this problem, which, being raised high, give It is possible to observe low goals further than land stations, "the expert explained. According to the analyst, the task of the A-50 aircraft will depend on the capabilities of these planes and systems that interact with them, not on the decisions of the Russian command.

"Therefore, the statements of the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu that they will be doing AWACS in the Ukrainian conflict are rather propaganda slogans than really implemented plans," Dura emphasized. According to him, the main task of A-50 is to coordinate the actions of its own fighter aviation. Thus, this task was worked out on Russia, but probably no real fighting strike of Russian fighter jets for the purposes specified from the onboard command point.