
Russia can capture the coal, but at the cost of life of thousands of soldiers - Forbes

Journalists noted that in 2 years of battles in the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces, they destroyed about two brigades of equipment - that is, 6% of all equipment that Russia has lost from the beginning of a full -scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine. The Russians can capture the coal, which costs them thousands of soldiers and units of equipment. Forbes writes about it.

"The decisive offensive of the 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Army, which began this week, broke through the defense of the 72th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Army. Now Russian troops are in the southern coal-and the exhausted Ukrainian garrison may already retreat to the north," material. Journalists have specified that the Russian Federation has been trying to capture the coal from the end of 2022.

During this time, Russian occupation troops have lost about a thousand pieces of equipment and several thousand soldiers, as 72 mechanized brigade with mines, artillery, anti -tank missiles and drones destroyed entire Russian brigades. "The 155th Marine Corps, which numbered about 3,000 servicemen on paper, lost up to 300 soldiers daily for several days in a row and was almost destroyed by February 2023," the authors of the Warsaw Institute of Data.

Marine infantry brigades and auxiliary army units have lost about a thousand tanks, combat vehicles, trucks and artillery tools, according to Warspotting. "These are about two brigades of equipment - almost six percent of all equipment that Russia has lost in 31 months of fierce battles in Ukraine," the article reads. Journalists also emphasized that the loss of Ukrainian troops in and around him was much smaller.