
In Ukraine, in the winter, a compulsory military training for students can be launched - MES

In Ukraine, the experimental concept of basic general military training for students has already been developed. Deputy Minister Mikhail Vinnytsky said that she will start in the second year and include training at the landfill. The Cabinet obliged students to undergo basic general military training during mobilization in Ukraine. Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Mykhailo Vinnytsky said that the experimental concept of BZVP is already being discussed.

He shared the details on June 27 on the broadcast of the Telelorphone. The official said that there are some experimental experiences in Ukraine, but nothing has been approved. "Most of our students enter a bachelor's degree at the age of 17. Vinnytsky reported that the experimental concept, which is now being discussed, provides two components - auditory and polygon. "Most likely, we will see the first auditory parts of the BZVP to be implemented since January 2025.

So, not in 2024, but from January 2025. In order to take out the boys and willing girls on the landfill to take place In the spring of 2025, "he suggested. The Deputy Minister noted that more details will be published later, as all issues of the Ministry of Education and Science are agreed from the Ministry of Defense. In addition, Vinnytsia informed that in Ukraine they want to change the concept of military departments in general.