
Trump after the election can "give" Putin victory in Ukraine - analyst

According to Martin Wolf, the US presidential candidate wants to ensure the failure of his opponent Joe Biden, so it blocks the allocation of military assistance for Kiev. It plays on the Kremlin's hand. Former United States President Donald Trump and his associates intend to "give" Vladimir Putin an undeserved victory in the war. This was stated by analyst Martin Wolfe for The Financial Times.

According to him, the American politician is only a candidate for the post of head of state, but in November everything can change. If he is elected for the second term, then Vladimir Putin can "win over Ukraine" from his hands. The fact is that in August 2023, Joe Baiden's administration called on Congress to allocate money for Ukraine, to help in the event of natural disasters and to strengthen control over the southern border.

Donald Trump opposed this and one of the reasons for ensuring the failure of the current American leader, says the analyst. The Republicans were not able to approve the bill on assistance to Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel and the civilian population of Gaza, but then it still happened. Next, you need to pass the House of Representatives, where it has been discussed for several months.

"This is because Trump's poodle, Speaker Mike Johnson, refuses to put this bill to the vote, knowing that he will be approved, and fearing that Trump will punish him by trying to prevent him from being re -elected to the House of Representatives in November. Like most strong worlds This, Trump values ​​loyalty above all, "the material reads.

At the same time, Ukraine continues the struggle at the front, although it is extremely difficult, because Russia exceeds Kiev by the number of troops and the number of weapons, as noted. Despite this, the Armed Forces have repeatedly shown success, using the minimum cost of the West, because it is not necessary to go to fight NATO soldiers.

Now, as the analyst continues, Donald Trump, together with his associates, intends to "give" Vladimir Putin to victory in Ukraine, which he absolutely did not deserve. "We know from Russian crimes in the occupied regions what horror they will cause if they win. But even more than something is put on the card. The answer is that most of the Republicans are loyal to him. Republicans are a sect, "says Martin Wolf.

Accordingly, according to the analyst, these are the most important elections in the history of the United States since 1932, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt has chosen the head of state. As for the duration of the war, it can be long for exhaustion before the Russians will realize that they will not be able to wipe Ukraine from the world card. "The role of Western allies is only in supplying money and weapons. It should not go beyond their capabilities or will.

Leave Ukraine now, in a great need, would mean to demonstrate the catastrophic weakness of the West at the time of potential success: Russia would be happy and the Western alliance will collapse. Many would come to the conclusion that the US is in irreversible decline. For the US and the whole world, this is a really crucial moment, "Martin Wolf summed up.