
The Ukrainian War turns into a third world: what threatens the appearance of Koreans on the front

The involvement of Russia's soldiers with the DPRK has far -reaching consequences, warns of David ex in the column for The Telegraph. South Korea has already promised to take an active part in the war under certain conditions, and hence - only a step to the global conflict between October 8 and 13, seven ships of the Pacific Fleet of Russia were sailed from the North Korean cities of Chondzhin, Hamhun and Mudan to Vladivostok. There were 1,500 North Korean special forces.

They are the avant -garde of the initial contingent of 11,000 North Korean servicemen who are going to strengthen Russia's large -scale war against Ukraine. And this is the last reminder from which the cold of the soul is that the war is not only between Russia and Ukraine. The boundary was transferred and a third party troops will soon be introduced into the front. Other countries may follow this example on both sides: such actions have already been proposed by British and French politicians.

Now it is a global war, potentially world. It is obvious that Russian leaders and their allies in Iran, North Korea and, to a lesser extent, understand what the bet is on. It is less obvious that this is understood by the Allies of Ukraine on NATO. These one and a half thousand North Korean commandos is not the first contribution of Pyongyang to Russia's military efforts. North Korea also sold Russian artillery ammunition, KN-23 ballistic missiles and anti-tank missile installations.

Along with Iran, North Korea is an industrial sponsor of Russia-and the main reason that the Russian Armed Forces have not yet ended critically important equipment, since the full-scale war is ongoing 32nd. However, sending people in addition to weapons, Pyongyang makes it clear that it was still secret. And this helps to solve one of Russia's most serious military problems - an increasing lack of personnel.

For about a year, the Russian military is lost and wounded on average more than a thousand people a day. At the same time, the Kremlin manages to gain about 30,000 new servicemen per month. The difference between losses and a set forms an increasing shortage of troops. The Russian government could add a special call to the usual annual, but it is so politically toxic that even the autocratic regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin does not want to give such an order.

Additional troops should take somewhere. North Korea will become this place, apparently. This does not mean that these 1,500 North Korean special forces or 9,500 additional North Korean servicemen who are following them are going to occupy trenches along the 700-mile line of the Widespread Front. It is likely that they will first play an auxiliary role in the front line.

But this is an insignificant moment, since 11,000 North Korean auxiliary troops can release 11,000 Russians to participate in battles as infantry. Of course, 11,000 additional servicemen are hardly two weeks at the current level of losses in Russia. In this regard, there is a sinister perspective: much more North Koreans can come to the rescue. The increasing role of North Korea in the Russo-Ukrainian War threatens to involve in conflict and South Korea.

Although it already provides humanitarian aid to Ukraine and, according to reports, sold a million artillery shells to the United States for further transfer to Ukraine, SEUL does not want to supply Kiev weapons directly. But the situation may change. This week, at an emergency meeting of the National Security Council, higher officials of South Korea called the support of North Korea Russia's "serious threat to security" and promised to strengthen their participation in Ukraine.

South Korea produces many of the world's best weapons - in particular, tanks and artillery. It may take a little time and we will see this weapon on the front line in Ukraine. But do Ukraine's Allies evaluate NATO Escalation of war as South Korea does? Ukraine's foreign support was somewhat weakened at the moment when it needs more and less help. The Ukrainian military recently formed 14 new brigades, which means a 10 percent increase in the structure of land troops.

But due to the reduction of foreign aid growth, 10 brigades lacks heavy equipment, says President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. South Korea's help may fill this gap. But Kiev should not build its strategy, taking into account that South Korea is aware of the consequences of the more global war more than NATO countries. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position. Responsibility for published data in the "Thought" section is borne by the author.