
In the Russian Federation created antironous rifles with spiral antennas: what it means for the Armed Forces

Elimias states that although spiral antennas are not as powerful as linear polarization antennas, they can still disable drones, even the famous Baba Yaga with protection against RB. The Russian company "Elyars" has declared the development of antitrone rifles with spiral antennas. According to engineers, such antennas will be able to protect the invaders from powerful radiation, TASS reports.

Spiral antennas with circular polarization are no less effective than antennas with linear polarization, although they are less powerful. To disable the drone, they have a power of 10-20 watts. Russian developers emphasized that their Chinese colleagues are used in similar devices of the 140 watt antenna and compared these indicators with the performance of household microwave furnaces, which range from 600 watts.

The Russians say that the low power will not harm the employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who will use antitrone guns at the front. Also in Eliors explained that antennas with linear polarization interrupt the signal between the drone and the operator precisely due to their high power. But this is their disadvantage, since high power is the cause due to which the gun overheats and, eventually, can fail at all. The company decided to replace such antennas with spiral.

In particular, they were equipped with an antitrone gun of the PARS-5 model. It is reported that this device has been able to disable the Unmanship of the Armed Forces "Baba Yaga", which has a system of protection against obstacles generated by the means of radio electronic struggle (EIT). Elimias, except for the PARS-4 and PARS-5 anti-water rifles, also produces stationary modules "Sector", radar, receivers and NVC equipment for automated EWS complexes.