
For the introduction into the EU organs: Russia has recruited a Serbian agent - Politico (photo)

According to journalists, Russia uses Serbia as a bridgehead for influencing operations aimed at weakening pro -European and pronatovian sentiment within the country. The Russian intelligence services used the Serbian agent to enter the structure of the European Union and the spread of the abstracts of propaganda that support the Kremlin's actions against Ukraine. This is stated in a briefing of Western intelligence, which has been available, reports Politico.

In October 2023, Novitsa Antich, a citizen of Serbia, who is an active "influence agent", held meetings with European officials in Brussels, in particular with members of the European Parliament. According to the documents, Antiques worked closely with Russian special services.

Among these MEPs were representatives of various political parties: the German deputy from the Green party Viola von Krahon-Taubadel, an Italian deputy from the Party "Socialists and Democrats" Alessandra Moretti, as well as a Slovak member of the conservative group of the European People's Party. However, the analytical note does not contain information that suggests that Moretti, Bilchyk and von Kramong-Taubadel had knowledge of Antich's connections with the FSB at the time of their meeting.

The head of the Serbian Military Trade Union also held meetings with representatives of the Trade Unions Euromil and EPSU, who defend the interests of servicemen and civil servants in the European Union, respectively. According to a briefing of Western intelligence, antiquity is an "influence agent" for the FSB. He has close ties with the FSB employee Vyacheslav Kalinin, a Russian citizen, who is also the editor-in-chief of the Veteran News media site.

This media resource specializes in publications focused on veterans of the Armed Forces. The site in the section "About us" states that Veteran News is the "information partner" of the FSB, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other law enforcement agencies of the country.

In intelligence, special attention is paid to the actions of Antich, but it is also emphasized that Kalinin was recruited and others, but does not specify the number or nationality of these persons, as well as in which countries they act. Russia uses Serbia as a base for operations aimed at undermining pro -European and pronatov sentiment both within Serbia itself and in the European Union.

This becomes especially important in the context of decisive support that the EU provides Ukraine after a full -scale invasion of Russia. Recall that recently in the media reported that the Russian, who cooperates from the game of Russia, has a quarter of a century quietly resides in Belgium and created an investment company, which, in addition to its main activity, supplied special machines to the Russian Federation.