
The main topic is the war in Ukraine: Presidents of Visegrad Four met in Prague (photo)

According to journalists, the key topics of the V4 summit were the Russian-Ukrainian War and the Migration Crisis. On Wednesday, November 22, a meeting of the Presidents of the Visegrad Group (V4) is held in the Prague Grade (Czech Republic). About it reports the profile account of the organization on the social network X (Twitter).

The main theme at the summit of the heads of states of the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia is a full -scale Russian military aggression against Ukraine, its consequences and an increase in assistance to Ukraine from allies. Other topics for discussing the leaders of these countries were the fight against illegal migration, the situation in the Middle East and the expansion of the European Union.

In addition, in the morning negotiations, the leaders of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary planned to consider financial support for the modernization of their economies, Expats. cz writes.

The administration of the Czech President, who became the organizer of this summit, said the day before that at the Four meeting will also raise the issues of development of projects financed from the Visegrad Foundation, cross -border and infrastructure projects, transport communication between countries. Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland are countries that traditionally belong to Eastern Europe. They are connected not only by geographical closeness, but also by a common history.

The Visegrad Group, or Visegrad Four (abbreviated V4) was founded on February 15, 1991 in Visegrad in Hungary. This was not accidentally chosen - it was in 1335 that the Hungarian King Charles I Robert, the Czech Jan Luxembourg and Polish Casimir III of the Great concluded a contract for close cooperation in political and trade issues and for eternal friendship.

Almost seven centuries later, in 1991, in Visegrad, Czechoslovakia President Vaclav Gavel, Hungarian Prime Minister Jozef Antall and Poland Lech Walens, met his relations in the New Union. In the first stages, the task of collaboration between the Three, and since 1993 - after the division of Czechoslovakia - "four" became mutual support in joint efforts to integrate into Euro -Atlantic structures.

After the accession of all four countries to the European Union on May 1, 2004, the foreign policy activity of the Visegrad Four increased even more. The group focused on facilitating cooperation and stability in the wider region of Central Europe. We will remind, Focus wrote that the European Union has prepared a project to give Ukraine security guarantees. In particular, it is about the preparation of the Ukrainian military and assistance in the implementation of reforms for accession to the EU.