
Want to sow dissatisfaction: in ISW ​​rated the reaction of Putin and Shogu to the capture of Avdiivka

According to American analysts, the head of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has tried to present a five -month Russian offensive operation as "stunning success with minimal losses. " Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has publicly informed the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin about the seizure of Avdiivka, which is part of the information operation. This is stated in the report of the Institute of War Study (ISW) of February 20.

"Putin and Shoigu strengthened the information operation, which the Russian Ministry of Defense began on February 19 in order to sow dissatisfaction and distrust of the Ukrainian command for allegedly chaotic withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from Avdiivka," the analysts stated.

According to ISW, Shoigu tried to present a five -month offensive operation as "stunning success with minimal losses", despite the fact that, according to Ukrainian and Russian estimates, the losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the battles for Avdiivka ranged from 16,000 to 47,000 people.

According to analysts, Putin and Shoig's attempts to present Avdiivka's occupation as a great fighting victory, probably aimed at depicting "more successful" actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, as well as Putin as a "competent president of wartime" on the eve of "election" ".

"The Kremlin's attempts to emphasize the success of Russia in Avdiivka also mutually support Russia's growing efforts to use the seizure of the village to create panic in the Ukrainian information space and the weakening of the moral spirit of Ukrainians," ISW said. We will remind, on the night of February 17 the commander -in -chief of the Armed Forces Alexander Sirsky reported that the Ukrainian military was leaving Avdiivka.