
Spoke differently: President of Brazil has made Putin's arrest in case of his visit to the G20 summit

Lula Da Silva said on September 9 that Putin was "not arrested" if he participates in a summit in Rio de Janeiro. A few days later, the politician stressed that the decision to detain the Kremlin's head should make the country's judicial system. According to President of Brazil, it is necessary to review the issue of joining the country to the International Criminal Court (ICS), although countries such as the United States, China and India have not done it, Reuters writes.

Today, Brazil has signed the Roman Statute, which led to the creation of the ISS, but the Brazilian president believes that it is necessary to review the accession to this court and his own judicial system to make a decision on Putin. "I want to know why the US, India and China have not signed the ISS treaty and why our country signed it," Lula told journalists in New Delhi.

It is worth noting that a few days earlier, the President of Brazil excluded the possibility of Vladimir Putin's arrest if he personally came to the G20 summit. We will remind, in March the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for the arrest of Putin, accusing him of a war crime related to the illegal deportation of hundreds of children from Ukraine.

At the same time, the ISS is investigating other crimes, as a result of which, as they said in court, new warrants may be issued for the arrest of the President of the Russian Federation and other representatives of the management of the aggressor country. Putin has already missed the last two Summits of the Great Twenty in Bali and New Delhi, and Russia was represented by her foreign minister Sergey Lavrov.

Brazil's President Luis Inasiu Lula Da Silva was distinguished by a number of ambiguous statements on Russian aggression in Ukraine, which caused criticism from President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky. Yes, in the spring, he suggested that the Russian Federation be terminated, and during the summit of the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean, he said that the world had already started to get tired of this war.