
The evil axis wins. Why should the first phase of war in Israel should teach the event

In the initial phase of the war in the Middle East, unfortunately, the axis of evil won, expert Sergey Furs states. But only the first round is over, and the event needs to get lessons from what happened to win the second. The evil axis won this round. Hamas doesn't lie. They achieved their goals. They won this round. And with every blow of Israel they win even more. Israel was trapped. Israel lost this round. Lost the EU. Lost the US. They won in Hamas, Tehran, Beijing and Moscow.

What is the purpose of the terrorist attack? Not a terrorist attack itself, but a reaction to it. The purpose of Hamas was to provoke such an emotional reaction of Israel that he had no other way out other than radical action. The cruelty here is not only a trait of terrorists, it and a tool. And Israel does what Hamas wanted to see. Israel is avenging. Israel reacts emotionally. And Hamas rejoices. And his sponsors rejoice.

What is the purpose of Hamas attack? Hamas wanted to get blood in the Gaza Sector. And the blood of the Israelites was only a method of achieving the goal. They wanted the blood of the residents of the Gaza Sector. Because this blood makes it impossible for the agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel, which would be a breakthrough in the world of peace. Which could ensure the implementation of India-Buddy East-Europe, struck by China's positions. The agreement is exactly thwarted.

And in the coming years it will not be possible to return. The paradox is that everyone understands everything. Saudi Arabia realizes that Hamas wanted blood in the Gaza Sector to disrupt the agreement. He realizes that this blow on them is taken by Iran with his hands. He understands, but cannot act differently. Israel understands. Understands the US. Everyone understands everything. But nothing can be corrected. Israel cannot stop. Because the citizens of Israel want blood and revenge.

Saudi Arabia cannot help but respond to Israel's actions because the subjects will not understand their prince. They are hostages of hatred that have been cherished against Jews for decades, as well as Israel is a hostage to revenge. And the US can do nothing. Everything is understood and can only try to minimize losses. Rejoice China. Iran rejoices. Putin rejoices.

They all place responsibility on Israel, occupying the same position and playing with the left in the West, which are also used to repeating the methodologies of the time of the Comintern (nothing new, it was all many times) about the Israeli military and suffering children of Palestinians. Although they are most rejoicing in the blood that sheds in the gases. Erdogan is also happy. Because the path from India should bypass Turkey. And he also repeats the narratives of Israel's wine in escalation.

India is silent. Because nothing can do. Because everything was played without them. And except more Russian oil dollar people will now get stuck in Rs. The main thing in the terrorist attack is not the terrorist attack itself, but the answer to it. The attacks on September 11 in the United States weakened America for a long time because Washington was in two wars, Afghanistan and Iraq. Allowing yourself to provoke.

Israel has long weakens itself, even destroying Hamas infrastructure in the Gaza Sector. Because the question here is only the time it takes to dig these tunnels again. There will be more people who want to stand under Hamas. Because also revenge. Revenge for the blood provoked by Hamas himself. And Hamas's conductors are sitting safely, provoking blood from there, where their can not be shed. That's how the blood business works. What is the moral? And no. Only facts.

Western civilization lost this round. The evil axis celebrates. And we can only hope that this defeat, not in the final battle, but in the intermediate, will force someone in Washington to sober up and remember that the story is not over and the final point can not be put. And the war of Russia against Ukraine is part of this battle, and it is necessary to punish the axis of evil. The evil axis that celebrates today.