
Ready to hit rockets at a distance of 300 km: Belarus unfolded on the border of the RSZV "Polonaise"

It is unknown where the Division of the Polonaise RSSV is, however, as the commander noted, the fighters are ready to strike a rocket strike for up to 300 kilometers for 20 minutes. Belarus through the "situation near the state border" launched a division of the jet system "Polonaz" to cover unprotected areas. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus.

"Servicemen in the designated area have equipped and masked the locations of personnel and equipment, and continue to carry out the task as intended," - the message reads. The Ministry of Defense of Belarus said that such a maneuver takes place in the framework of checking the combat readiness of their armed forces. At the same time, the unnamed commander of the Division of the RZSV "Polonaise" declared the readiness of his fighters to strike rocket strikes as needed.

"According to the difficult situation near the state border of the Republic of Belarus, and the task was given to the appointed area with a full ammunition, he was assigned to combat duty on assigned objects. Ready to complete the missile stroke tasks for up to 300 kilometers for 20 kilometers minutes, "the commander said.

The Polonaise Wall Fire Reactive System is a heavy 301mm RSSU from the GATSS Chinese multifunctional missile system, which is adapted to the Belarusian wheel chassis MZKT-7930 "Astrolog". The joint development of Polonaise RSSU is carried out within the framework of the agreements signed in 2013 between the governments of China and Belarus. The complex includes: for the first time the Belarusian RSSU "Polonaise" was demonstrated in 2015 at the military parade in Minsk.

In October 2017, in the territory of the Gomel region, as part of the test shooting, launches were held from the modernized RSSU "Polonaise". After the modernization and use of a new RSSU missile allows you to hit the targets at a distance of 300 km. We will remind, on June 25 the Air Force forces of the Russian Federation threw 11 fighters to the Belarusian city of Baranovichi, which is located near the Ukrainian border.