
The Russian militant who tortured Ukrainians was suspicious - the SBU

The Russians arranged a torture on the territory of the police department in Balakliya and took dozens of stolen residents of the city. The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) identified the identity of another Russian occupier who committed military crimes against civilians in Ukraine. It is about the 34-year-old Sultan Pashtov-the chibis battalion fighter of the 16th Separate Brigade of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (known as the GRU).

This was reported in the SBU. According to the investigation, in the spring of 2022, he was in a captured Balakliya with other Russian invaders at that time. The invaders arranged a torture on the territory of the police department and took dozens of stolen residents of the city. Law enforcement officers found that the militant was directly involved in the punitive raids of the racists and the further torture of the victims.

In particular, the department was cruelly tortured, including for a long time imprisoned in unsanitary conditions without food and water. The invaders also used electric current to stolen people. The SBU explained that so paving with his accomplices tried to intimidate the locals and break their resistance to the Russian invaders.

It is also known that, using numerous tortures, the attacker tried to force Balakli residents to cooperate with the aggressor to obtain intelligence on defense forces on the Eastern Front. On the basis of the evidence collected, investigators informed Pashtov about suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 28 and Part 1 of Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the laws and customs of war, committed by prior conspiracy by a group of persons).

"Comprehensive measures are currently underway to bring a military criminal to justice. The attacker will be found and punished regardless of the time and place of his stay," the SBU said. It should be reminded that on September 15, the Security Service of Ukraine exposed new crimes of the pro-Kremlovsky millionaire blogger Yuriy Podolyaka, who is hiding from justice in Russia.