
Double Benefits for Earth: More than 6,000 sheep will be sent to look after a solar power plant

Researchers believe that they have found the most effective approach for both business and environment. The climatic crisis is no longer abstract than humanity is scared in the future. It is already here, which causes incredible waves of heat and drought on the planet - the actual last 13 months have become the hottest in the history of observations and this is probably not the limit, IFLSCIENCE writes.

For years, researchers have been looking for strategies that would help humanity abandon the use of fossil fuels and prefer more environmentally friendly energy production - for example, solar power plants. Another factor in global warming is agriculture, which causes a huge amount of carbon dioxide to be released into the Earth's atmosphere. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel.

Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! Scientists now consider a new method of reducing agricultural emissions and electricity production. As part of this project, over 6,000 sheep, which will act as "hairy gardeners" are planned to be released at Texas. In fact, animals will be able to hide from the sun's rays in the shade of solar panels and eat vegetation in the territory of more than 4,000 hectares of land.

The new project, according to scientists, will be the largest agreement on solar grazing in the United States. On hot days, sheep will be able to relax in the shadows of the panels, while the owners of solar power plants will be able to save on herbicides and lawn mowers on fossil fuel. At the same time, the pus sheep will be able to fertilize the soil, and the animals themselves will carry the seeds of field flowers on their wool.

It is assumed that such grazing of animals will also improve the health of local soil. It should be noted that such an experiment was previously conducted in Minnesota, and some results indicate that in some areas there was an improvement in organic matter at more than 200%. The authors of the project point out that it is a great demonstration of how solar energy and agriculture can coexist, ensuring the optimal productivity of solar installations while supporting local ecosystems.

Agrovoltaics is the practice of using land for both solar energy and agriculture at the same time. Solar grazing today is one of the most common ways to introduce the agro -electric industry into the daily life of mankind. Researchers say that today this industry is still at the beginning of its journey, but solar grazing seems to be effective and profitable, both for solar energy suppliers and farm owners. Earlier, focus wrote that sheep choose a leader and reach a collective mind.