
In Russia, protests of the wives of mobilized Russians will "extinguish" money - Roszmi

According to Russian media, Russian officials believe that the wives of mobilized invaders are not so waiting for the return of men as their money. In addition, such protests will have a bad effect on the election campaign. In Russia, protests of relatives of mobilized invaders are considered one of the greatest threats to the election campaign. Therefore, in order to avoid protests by regional officials, they are advised to pay everyone "maximum money".

About it reports the Russian edition of "Land", referring to their interlocutors in federal and regional authorities. The publication writes that officials are convinced that the wives of the invaders are not so waiting for their husbands to return as "their salary cards. " Therefore, according to the interlocutors of the publication, regional officials were recommended to the maximum amount and without delay to pay all the money.

If relatives continue to protest, they will be offered to write letters to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and promise to understand. However, according to an official from the Far Eastern Federal District, it is not always easy to solve "monetary issues", because the documents of the military are loose, and it is not always clear where and at what extent to send money.

On November 7, in Moscow, the wives of the mobilized invaders first reached a rally demanding to return their husbands. About 30 people with posters gathered for the action, which says "mobilized time home", "justice is a dembole for mobilized", "return to children of parents" and so on. In addition, the relatives of the invaders wanted to spend another rally on November 25. Up to 300 people had to take part in it.

However, the authorities of the Russian capital refused such an event, referring to the "epidemiological situation". Actually, it is a ban on conducting mass events through a pandemic, which was introduced in 2020. The rally was also not allowed to be held in Novosibirsk, citing a "violation of the principle of legality". However, the Russian soldiers have met with dissatisfied women, but participants of the action do not believe that their demands will fulfill.

According to the Russian media, the Russian Federation was instructed to monitor the moods of relatives of the Russian military. In particular, this was stated at the seminar dedicated to the elections in 2024. In Russia, it is believed that such protests before the election can be used to destabilize the situation within Russia. We will remind, the election of the President in Russia is planned to hold the "anniversary" of the annexation of Crimea - March 17, 2024.