
Men - on the front, women - in the subway: how does the labor market change during the war (statistics)

Increasingly, Ukrainians began to replace men in the profession. In the conditions of war and increased mobilization, women have to learn the skills of locksmiths, turns, cranes and drivers. And the Kiev subway has already received 450 applications for 30 vacancies. Focus found out how the labor market has changed and what traditionally "men's" professions go into women's hands. Ukrainian women will be prepared for work truckers and bus drivers.

For this purpose, the Ministry of Infrastructure develops a national program of teaching women to drill large transport. According to the department, the business has shown interest and proposes to provide all possible resources for the training of specialists. It should be noted that in February 2024 the lack of communal transport drivers in the regions reached 30%. Now the deficit is even greater.

Hundreds of vacancies for drivers of different categories and specializations: from taxi drivers to internationals hang on the job search sites. For this reason, transport companies have asked the government to help prepare women. Earlier, the acute shortage of experts in traditionally "men's" fields complained in the Kiev subway. Due to the lack of drivers, the company had to increase the train movement interval. According to the subway, Ukraine lacks electromechanics, tocks and locksmiths.

The job search sites are: "The reason for increasing the number of vacancies is partially forced migration, specifics of professions and mobilization work in connection with martial law. - reported in the subway.

According to the Chairman of the Board of the Compulsory State Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine in case of unemployment, the head of the All -Ukrainian Trade Union of Natalia Zemlyanskaya, the imbalance of labor supply and demand inherent in the Ukrainian labor market over the last years has acquired new meanings in recent years.

Thus, in January-May 2024 of more than 335 thousand people who received services in the employment service, 77% were women (before the start of the Great War-about 55%) aged 35 to 55 years, with higher and vocational education, More than half of whom live in the city.

"In connection with mobilization, difficulties in staffing of vacancies in traditionally" men's "professions - builders, electric gas welders, locksmiths, electricians, drivers, and women in the conditions of war are that these vacancies. Women in the work area, ”says Focus Zemlyanskaya. The expert notes that employers are in dire need of employees. And since women are the main share of the unemployed, they try to technologically alleviate functions that were previously physically difficult.

"I can say that the demand for women for traditionally" men's "professions is very high. For example, within two weeks after the Kiev subway has published an announcement of a recruitment of women, they received 450 applications for 30 possible places," - continues Zemlyanska.

Among the cases of replacement of "male" positions: an expert notes that the tendency to increase the number of women who choose to teach a profession that was traditionally considered "masculine" is observed from the second half of 2023. Among the popular directions: in total, last year out of 158 thousand employed women, 677 Ukrainian women received work on the vacancy "Operator of filling stations", 253 - "Machinist of pumping installations", 14 - "Driver of the loader".

If a woman wants to work as an electrician or locksmith and has the appropriate experience, employment professionals will help her in their employment and help you get a professional education. There are 8 centers of vocational education (Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Kharkiv, Odessa, Lviv, Rivne, Sumy, Ivano-Frankivsk) for the preparation of adult population. In 2023, 25,200 women were held under the direction of the State Employment Service, and 16,900 women began before the study.

The largest number in the regions: during 2023 and from January 2024 at the centers of vocational education of the State Employment Service, women studied in the following professions: women also undergo training in such relevant areas as UAV management, FPV from the beginning to skills, creating their own business. In order for women to get a new profession, the State Employment Service issues a voucher to study.

This document gives the right to undergo training in educational institutions or in the employer in the chosen profession or specialty. The Ministry of Economy has approved a list of 124 names, which include IT technologies, construction, transport, industry, medicine, railway specialties. Any person belonging to one of the following categories can be obtained: 18,000 people received a voucher during 2023. Of these, 12 900 are women.

Since the beginning of 2024, the voucher received about 11,000 people, 7,000 of which were women. Zemlyanskaya adds that restrictions for women when employed for traditionally "men's" vacancies can only be for health reasons if the work puts special requirements.

For example, the profession of operator profile, work related to stay at height or depth, the impact of working conditions on the general condition of the human body (temperature, vibration, pressure) - all this requires a worker of good health, lack of chronic diseases or chronic diseases or Disability. However, employers can in no way nominate requirements or restrictions by age. With regard to wages, the employee, not the employer, the expert says.

"According to the latest data from the Ministry of Economy, the difference in the salaries of men and women in Ukraine was 18-19%. However, there are no studies today that would confirm that women at" male "work are getting less payment," Zemlyanska said.

It should be noted that in accordance with the current legislation, the state guarantees a person the right to protect against any manifestations of discrimination in the field of employment, depending on race, skin color, political, religious and other beliefs, as well as gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic, social, social orientation and foreign origin, age, health, family responsibilities, place of residence, etc.

In addition, it is forbidden in ads (advertising) on ​​vacancies to offer work only to women or only men, except for specific work, which can be performed exclusively by persons of a certain sex. Employment legislation is intended to counteract discrimination and provides for liability for violation of the established requirements, in particular, it is a fine of ten times the minimum wage established by law at the time of violation.

For the 5 months of this year, compared to the same period last year, there is a tendency to increase in number: in addition, there is a tendency to increase the number of persons with disabilities, who: also increased the number of young people up to 35 years old, who: focus wrote earlier that it was almost 74% of business representatives faced a shortage of employees in connection with mobilization and forced migration.