
"Greatest threat": Russia is ready to capture several countries in Europe - the President of the Czech Republic

The Czech leader Peter Paul said that Russia's imperial ambitions will not have borders if not established. The event should continue to support Ukraine in political, economic, humanitarian and military aspects. Russia is the greatest threat to the security of Europe and NATO allies. This was stated by the President of the Czech Republic Peter Paul during a lecture at the NATO Defense College in Rome, writes the portal české noviny.

The politician said that the Kremlin head Vladimir Putin openly states that he was fighting against the collective event. Yes, Russia's imperial ambitions will not have borders if not established. The Russian Federation will capture the countries of the former Eastern Bloc without hesitation if you allow it to do so. Paul said that in particularly great danger are countries that are not yet part of the EU or NATO. Therefore, they need to be maintained.

"Russia, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has unleashed an imperialist, killing campaign against a sovereign country and commits military crimes that have not been observed in Europe over the past 80 years, except for massacre in Srebrenica," the Czech President said. He said that the event should continue to support Ukraine in political, economic, humanitarian and military aspects. However, not all of Western politicians agree with such an assessment.

"Of course, not everyone share this view. During my short presidential term, I had to talk to some leaders whose thought about Russia was completely different," Pavel said. In his opinion, if the Russian Federation receives real benefit from current aggression, then its appetites will increase. Moreover, it will inspire other countries to use military force to achieve its interests.