
"Ohmatdit" as an ultimatum: Why Russia hit Kiev in the midst of Orban's trip

Barbarian blow to Kiev, inflicted in the midst of Orban's peacekeeping mission, is a demonstration by Putin's willingness to go for anything to achieve his goals, says analyst Alexander Kochetkov. This should be understood by the world leaders and Ukrainian authorities - and respond accordingly. The missile accompaniment for Orban's dance is undoubtedly that the massive missile attack of Ukraine during V. Orban's shuttle peacekeeping cannot be accidental.

There are two points in this international fuss of Hungarian premiere. First, given that Orbana from all European leaders publicly supports only his pro-Russian associate from Slovakia R. Fitzo, it becomes clear that the peacekeeping mission of Orban invented himself. Or received from Moscow as an agent task.

Secondly, Orban considers the United States the most important country, because the last place goes there: the bosses are known to visit the latter to inform the results of all previous meetings. It is interesting if the Kremlin emissary will be able to meet with someone from the current White House Administration, whether the meeting will only take place with D. Trump - so to speak, to grow. Of course, the Kremlin could wait with the missile blow to the end of Orban's voyages.

But he did not knowingly. Therefore, a blow, during which many civilian Ukrainians were injured, should be considered as a message of the civilized world, namely: agree to our conditions, or we will kill and kill as much as we can: now - in Ukraine, tomorrow - in NATO Europe. Someone in the world is looking for an excuse for under -imperia - they say, they were targeted in a military facility, but accidentally hit a children's hospital.

But to beat with your inaccurate but powerful missiles where there is such an object as a hospital nearby. What Russia repeats constantly - remember the destruction of the maternity hospital in Mariupol, attacks of railway stations in Kramatorsk and Kherson. But European justice was limited to a symbolic warrant for Putin and several of his accomplices, but there are no sentences and even courts, as it was with a slide.

Orban wanders the world and convinces that Russia cannot be overcome in general, so it is necessary to give it everything she wants. At the same time, Russia demonstrates what it will do if it does not get what you want. Actually, there is now a test on the ability of a civilized event to withstand barbaric terrorism and blackmail. And at the same time a test for the Ukrainian authorities for adequacy.

That is, our leaders need to start honest and candid communication with society immediately - what and how to change in order to achieve the stated goals for the de -occupation of Ukraine. The lack of such a conversation will mean that our authorities are ready to go to the conditions of Russia, or does not want to change anything in its rule that actually buries Ukraine. Unfortunately, rocket strokes will still be.