
Ukraine in July can get the first frozen assets of the Russian Federation: the media called the tranche sum

It is envisaged that this year Ukraine can receive an amount of 2 to 5 billion euros, and the total amount of profit will be 2027 euros EU by 2027 by Ukraine can transfer Ukraine first income from Russian frozen assets in July this year. Financial Times informs about it with reference to officials in Europe.

The material states that, according to high -ranking officials, the European Commission prepares a plan that provides for the arrest of revenue, which are relevant to the profits from the sanctions that have been introduced in February and those that have been obtained from the Central Depository of Securities Securities.

The article also said that after a few months of debate, payment of the first tranche can take place in July, but for this purpose, all Member States must give Brussels their approval. It is known that this proposal is planned to be transferred to the summit of the EU leaders next year. With the onset of the Russian full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine in 2022, Europeanar immobilized about $ 190 billion US dollars of sovereign assets of the Russian Federation.

This, in turn, helped to make a profit of 3. 85 billion euros. The recent plans provide that during this year, Ukraine will transfer from 2 to 3 billion euros, depending on interest rates. At the same time, the total profit that has been withdrawn from Europeanar can be 20 billion euros by 2027, according to EU officials.

In turn, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Lien has made a statement that the use of funds for military assistance, not for reconstruction, as it was initially planned. The EU will use the earnings received to purchase weapons for Ukraine or to invest in the Ukrainian defense sector.

At the same time, the European Union plans are not planned to be used in retroactive, so about € 4 billion income will retain EuroClear, preferably to cover the lawsuit from lawsuits with Russia. Before that, it became known that leaders of EU countries are afraid to confiscate assets of the Russian Federation. In particular, France and Germany, as well as the European Central Bank, were voiced in this regard.