
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was struck by the "Isandard" on the landfill in Kharkiv, where there were NSU fighters - social networks (video)

The occupiers' air intelligence recorded the location of Ukrainian fighters, and when they gathered in one place, allegedly hit them with a rocket. Russian invaders have struck a rocket strike on the NSU training landfill in the average in Kharkiv region. This was reported in Russian Z-Telegrams. The invaders posted a video stating that they were struck by the "Isandard" at the place of temporary deployment of soldiers of the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine "Charter".

They said that thanks to the drone, they discovered the point of deployment of NSU in the area of ​​the village of Peresnichnaya, Kharkiv region, which continued further observation. As a result of further monitoring, hostile intelligence allegedly recorded buses that transported the staff of the brigade to a training ground. The landfill was struck using a rocket with a cassette combat unit of Iskander. The invaders reported that fast and evacuated the dead and wounded.