
Restaurants, sports, entertainment. Are Ukrainians really used to war and do not notice it in the rear

During the war, state spending increases sharply, so we either have to debt or increase the issue or increase the volume of fees from the population. Based on the latest government decision to raise the tariff for light and judging from the announced plans to change taxes, it is time for the third option in Ukraine. Economist-analyst Sergei Fursa, thinking about growth of tariffs and taxes, expressed the opinion that now Ukrainians in the rear live mostly as if nothing happened.

But is this really the case, and how should Ukrainians live far from the front line? Focus discussed these difficult and painful issues with experts. The response of Ukrainians to raising tariffs is frightening. The economist Sergey Furs wrote about it in his column in NV. "War war, but low tariffs, habitual taxes and coconut late on schedule?" He asks. According to the analyst, Ukrainians in the rear live mostly as if nothing happened: the course is stable, inflation is minimal, no product cards.

They take the existing situation for granted and do not want to understand that war is expensive. "Populism is ours. We do not agree. We continue to demand miracles. Keep low taxes. Low tariffs. And finance war. It is advisable to hire 1,500 mercenaries to fight them. If Ukrainians are not able to grow up during the war To leave the infantry? It is worth noting that war is certainly expensive, but not for everyone.

For example, according to the media with reference to the R&D Center for YouControl, 27 MPs in the Council have earned as many as the other 374 deputies together for 2022-2023. Almost all the war Ukrainians hear about frantic corruption, in particular in the Ministry of Defense, but there was no serious punishment (or they did not speak publicly). In May, the Pentagon General Inspector Robert Storch presented a report stating that corruption in Ukraine remains one of the highest in Europe.

And the war with the Russian Federation created opportunities for its development. Experts say that injustice when "one is everything, the other is the law", simply kills people. At a time when some replenish the Monaco Battalion, others give the last money and life, but it is not enough. Because it is necessary not only to give, but also to rejoice that you will have to give even more.

During the war, the state spending increases sharply, so it is either to debt or increase the issue over the real growth of the economy, or to raise taxes, says the analyst of the company "Center for Exchange Technology" Maxim Oryshchak. When the state spending is increasing sharply, it is either to debt or increase the issue over the real growth of the economy, or to raise taxes "Excessive emission counter -productive.

At a distance for more than 6 months, it only spiral inflation and leads to the financial crisis. It is almost exhausted in 2021 of the State Bargage of 48. 9%of GDP, in 2023 it reached 84. 4%, and in 2024 it will exceed 90% They are crossed, it will not be able to repay their debts-since the creditors of Ukraine are Western countries, for which war is also a "business project" to some extent, through organizations like the IMF, they give "recommendations" as recommendations. They get back the money.

" If you do not borrow and print money, the state remains only one option - to increase the meeting from the population, the expert continues. There is no other choice, and reducing the standard of living of Ukrainians does not matter. Financing is still gone from where. According to Maxim Oryshchak, some of the citizens of Ukraine lived in military circumstances for more than two years, and for them the state economy has become more important than personal. These people are more loyal to change.

At the same time, the rest of the Ukrainians, despite the war, continued to live in a peaceful paradigm when the "personal economy" remains more important than the state. "Currently, the state military economy is increasingly invading the personal" peaceful economies "of Ukrainians. And because it is unclear where it will stop, at what level a new balance will be found, citizens naturally feel fear, anger and dissatisfaction," the expert said.

For citizens who lived in military circumstances for more than two years, the state economy has become more important than personal analyst Danilo Monin that today some people live in parallel reality and do not feel how the rest of the population of Ukraine lives. "Raising taxes to war is simply an idiocy, because no increase in taxes will ensure an increase in revenues and even more so solving strategic problems in the form of victory in war.

With this task, Ukraine can only help external assistance against an enemy, which economically has 10+ times greater economy and opportunities, " - said the expert in conversation with focus. The same opinion is the executive director of CASE Ukraine Dmitry Boyarchuk, who recently noted: "Even if we collect 100% of our GDP into the budget, giving all the earned treasures, we will not be able to cover the needs of our defense on our own.

How much taxes we would not pay - more 10%, 20%, 50% - they are still not enough for this war. Experts warn that the side effects of tax raising will be a further increase in corruption in budget distribution in greater military and financial assistance. In terms of tariffs, Monin continues, in general, they can be indexed to citizens' incomes or inflation.

However, to translate into the shoulders of the population, the destruction of energy caused, in particular, by "sawing" for its protection with zero result is wrong. The mechanisms should be different.

Among the alternatives to raising taxes, Danilo Monin named the economical spending of budget funds, reducing the value of the NBU's deposit certificates and the cost of government papers in UAH (which minimizes the cost of servicing domestic debt), restructuring of Eurobonds, new IMF agreements for interest And for standard 2-3% per annum), minimization of "crazy" tenders, devaluation of the hryvnia, issue of up to 5% of GDP (as in 2022).

"In fact, there are many tools that will give much more money than theoretical figures from raising taxes," summed up the analyst. "It is necessary to pursue an economic policy that will not lead to a shadow and will not be an obstacle to investment in the future. And not organize additional rent From the territory, hiding behind the thesis that the country lacks money for war. " The moral side of the question of rear life was discussed with psychologists.

Are Ukrainians used to the war and live in the rear, as if it are not? Psychologists believe that in almost every family someone is at war on the front, when most Ukrainians have relatives and friends when in the center of Europe in the 21st century at any moment can fly a projectile and take away life, still not at all fair.

The less a person of resources, the more aggressive it becomes the psychologist Alexander Alekseev shared the basic psychological principle: the less a person's resources, the more aggressive it becomes, the easier and faster it loses its human face. "If we actually want to stop the war, not continue collective pain, then in my opinion, it stops the same as the pain is individual.

It is necessary for the life of each individual to be as easily and calm as possible, it should be saturated with all possible resources ". "Of course, Ukrainians remember that in our country war," adds psychologist Marina Derkach. "They adapt physically, began to build some new life, they smile, meet with friends and sometimes rest. It is similar to a peaceful life, but it It does not mean that people are used to war, or they live as if there are no many people at all.